Become a member of Little Goods Zine Clubhouse!
Join this zine workshop and learn how to make your own zine using your unique voice and creativity! You can leave your zine inside the clubhouse for someone else to take and feel free to take one left behind. In this way we create connections in our community. Sometimes you may only have a little to give of yourself, other times you have more, but you give what you can and take what you need.
Little Goods Zine Clubhouse is hosting a double workshop series! In the first session an introduction to zines is provided along with the chance to make an 8 page zine from a single piece of paper. At the end of the session your zines will be collected and printed to give you 10 copies of your zine. The following session you will be assembling and trading zines with the other participants and leaving one copy in the clubhouse. After that, you will learn to fold a 16 page mini zine from a single piece of paper. Resources will be provided for you to DIY print your 16 page zine as well as where in Calgary you can distribute them!
$25.00 includes 2 sessions,a copy of “A Brief History of Zines” , 10 copies of your 8 page zine, all art supplies and materials
June 17 & 24 6-8pm